Where is metaphor? The ways of representing metaphoric gestures in dialogue
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metaphoric gestures
iconic gestures
gestural phraseology

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Kraśnicka, I. (2021). Where is metaphor? The ways of representing metaphoric gestures in dialogue. Polonica , 41 (1). https://doi.org/10.17651/POLON.41.2


The article presents a discussion of various ways of performing metaphorical gestures during the utterance. The observation of the conversing people involved in a dynamic discussion shows that metaphoricity is the result of the cooperation of two semiotic modes, verbal and gestural, where gestures can connect with the verbal layer of the utterance in at least several ways. In order to describe and analyse them, the author, based on the theoretical foundations developed in the field of gestures studies (A. Kendon, D. McNeill, C. Müller, A. Cienki, J. Antas), uses selected episodes of the information program “TAK JEST” as research material. The analysis includes statements that exemplify five different functions that metaphorical gestures can play in the process of creating meanings.

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