Editing norms

- Authors are kindly requested to send the texts intended for print through the online Open Journal Systems in the form of two files in the following formats: doc / docx / odf / pdf.

- Text length is not limited, however we require texts to be consistent and compositionally transparent.

- Texts may be written in Polish or English.

- The main text has to be accompanied by an abstract in Polish and English (700-800 characters), a translation of the title, as well as up to 5 keywords in both languages.

- All margins in the text submitted should be set at 2.5 cm, font at 12 pt., and line spacing at 1.5. The preferred typeface is Times New Roman.

- Titles of books, articles, broadcasts etc. mentioned in the text should be enclosed in quotation marks ("").
Examples (words, phrases and sentences that are the subject of analysis), phraseologisms and Latin interjections should be written in italics.
The explanation of an italicized word should be written in antiqua and enclosed in definitional quotation marks (‛ ').
Underlining should be used to additionally mark the italicized part of the phrase.
Shorter quotations must be enclosed in quotation marks. More extensive, multi-line quotations should be separated by indentation in the text.
The main expression discussed in the article can be written in small capital letters.
When giving dictionary entries with a complex structure, the keyword should be written in sparse print, the definition enclosed in definitional quotation marks, or a name derived from another language should be written in italics, e.g. g o r č i c a : 1) ‛goryczka żółta’, Gentiana lutea L.

- Footnotes (not endnotes!) are used to supplement and comment on the main text. Quotes are to be placed within the main text as per APA style.

- The review process is a double-blind one, where the Authors and Reviewers do not know each other’s identities.

- The Editorial Board requests authors to anonymize their texts. For this purpose

- the author’s name and affiliation should be removed from the submitted version of the text;

- file name may not contain author’s name;

- the author’s name, as well as all data enabling their identification, should be removed from file properties;

- the text may not contain information on research financing;

- excessive auto-citation, or wordings like “as I have shown in my (xyz) article,” citing one’s own printed works, should be avoided. All such information, as well as auto-citations and wording related to the author should be added to the text after the review.

- Bibliography, listing all positions quoted in the main text and in the footnotes, formatted as per APA style, should be placed at the end of the article (template).