Status and nature of lexicography. Positions and controversies
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lexicographical practice and theory
lexicography as independent discipline

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Bielińska, M. (2019). Status and nature of lexicography. Positions and controversies. Polonica , 39 (1), 111–148.


The article presents different, often contradictory, opinions on the status and nature of lexicography and discusses, among others, the following issues: is lexicography practice, theory or both? Is lexicography a part of linguistics, applied linguistics, a sub-discipline of lexicology or applied lexicology, or a separate discipline? The main aim of the article is to show how lexicography should be understood both as practice and theory, and that lexicography, whose object of study is a dictionary, is not a part of linguistics, whose object of study is language. According to the author, metalexicography should be considered a separate scientific discipline, while lexicography as a whole, i.e. its practical and theoretical components, can be considered an academic discipline.
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